Welcome to our Travel Blog!
Hi, and welcome to our RV Travel Blog! We hope you enjoy our writings. If you are a camper, I hope you find them helpful. The posts are list in order from recent back to earliest.... so if you want to read in order that they were written, scroll down or click the "Previous Posts" on the right. Also look at the "Archive" links on the right. Our trip and family photos are in the Dotphoto.com site in the links section on the left.
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First and foremost, let me apologize for not having this blog updated. Not many things stale quicker than a blog that is not updated, and this one has gotten very stale over the past few months. However, I will try to keep things more up to date going forward.
September 2008 - Chattanooga Tennessee.
During the 2nd week of September, we visited Chattanooga TN to meet out good friends from Texas. We decided to take the scenic route, from Charlotte directly through Asheville and along highways 74 and 64 to Tennessee. This took us around in a southerly route around the Smoky Mountains, through the beautiful Nantahala River Gorge.
The leaves had not quite begun to change into their autumn dress this far south yet, so everything was still bright and green. There were quite a lot of rafts and kyaks on the river. We stopped for lunch at a rest stop and watched many of them drift or paddle past.